Curriculum Vitae

David Phillips

Chartered Town Planner


David Phillips is a qualified Town Planner providing quality planning advice from top to bottom of the planning process.

David has over 25 years’ experience advising clients on town planning matters in the real estate sector. His defining principles are:

  • Personal service

  • Pragmatic advice

  • Understanding project objectives and then acting to help achieve them

  • Delivering a first-class service

  • Being responsive to change


David is very well connected throughout the real estate sector. Prior to setting up DPV Consult he spent 12 years in senior roles with 3 of the largest real estate businesses in the UK (GL Hearn, Strutt & Parker and BNP Paribas Real Estate).

He takes an integrated approach to development and planning.  He is commercially focused and enjoys the relationships he builds with clients.  His time in the industry has enabled him to develop long lasting, close partnerships with fellow professionals.

His experience of both large and smaller projects and with Plc, local authority, charitable trusts and SME developers provides a breadth and depth of experience enabling David to take a very lateral view of the work he undertakes, spotting angles which other professionals with a narrower experience often do not.

David's specialist knowledge and his emphasis on building partnerships with clients and other experts with whom he works to deliver results to clients, invariably ensures the successful delivery of viable planning schemes.

He is very active with the Greater London Authority and has established strong working relationships with senior figures across London and the Home Counties given the scale and complexity of many of the projects he has dealt with.

David has also been a participatory party to many of the institutions that represent the development industry including the RTPI, London First, Urban Land Institute and New London Architecture.

In summary, David brings to your projects and schemes:

  • Expertise in all aspects of town planning consultancy to both the private and public sectors.

  • Expert knowledge of the Planning system and its implications for both “Plan Making” and “Development Management”.

  • Significant experience in promoting development schemes, ranging from small schemes to major projects including major housing, retail, commercial (including leisure and hotels), health, recreational and infrastructure projects.

  • Planning appeals, representing clients at both informal hearings and in the role of expert witness at planning inquiries.

  • Senior project responsibilities including co-ordination and management of inter-professional consultant teams.


David provides no nonsense practical planning advice

  • Delivering commercial solutions

  • Team work and collaboration

  • Mitigating risk

  • Adding value

His focus is on successful delivery and achieving results by building strong relationships from the outset.

He operates across the UK and is experienced at working on both large and small projects and within larger development consultancy teams (typically architects, master planners, urban designers and development consultants).

He has advised all sectors of the development industry - private landowners, developers and public sector bodies - through the planning process.

Sectors and Services

David operates in the following sectors:

  • Residential

  • Retirement living

  • Co-living

  • Student living

  • Hotel and leisure

  • Retail and town centres

  • Employment

  • Sport and leisure

  • Mixed use and regeneration

David provides the following planning services:

  • Planning audits and appraisals

  • Planning applications

  • Planning enforcement

  • Certificates of Lawful Use and Development

  • Prior Notification for Permitted Development

  • Planning appeals and expert witness evidence

  • Negotiation of conditions, S106 legal obligations

  • Listed building and Conservation Area consents

  • Development Consent Orders

  • Strategic development planning advice and land promotion

  • Asset management (protection and enhancement)

  • Direct instruction of Counsel

  • Project management (including consultant team selection and co-ordination)

Managerial Experience

  • Successful owner and operator of DPV consult with sole responsibility for managing the profitability of the business

  • Previously planning delivery team leader for 3 international and national real estate businesses with overall responsibility for team leadership, recruitment, account management and business development

Career Summary

  • 2020-22: Director, DPV Consult

  • 2018-20: Director, BNP Paribas Real Estate

  • 2016 -18: Director, Head of London Planning, Strutt and Parker

  • 2008 - 16: Director, Head of Housebuilders, GL Hearn

  • 1994-08: Director of Andrew Martin Associates


  • 1992-94: MSc City & Regional Planning, University of Wales College of Cardiff

  • 1997: Elected Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute

Personal Profile

David has a partner and they take turns in reining in their very active young son in and around their North London home!  From a sport-fuelled youth dedicated mainly to football, rugby, tennis and cricket, David still plays football and tennis and runs regularly, enjoys skiing and remains a passionate football fan.

Contact Details

20 Clyde Road


N22 7AE

T: 020 83518051

M: 07875 765527